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Jeff Svitak


As an architect and developer, Jeff has always felt that any built project should be rooted within its context and engaged with its surrounding community in a positive way. This engagement lies beyond the private property lines of the development and exists in the public realm. For this reason Jeff created VOID, which takes this next step in development. VOID aims to enhance the public realm that supports private development by working in collaboration with artists, creatives, activists and anyone else interested in enriching the atmosphere of our communities.

Leslee  Schaffer

Creative Director

Leslee is a consultant specializing in visibility and management in the fields of art, architecture, design and entertainment. She works with businesses, non-profits, firms, and independent artists, architects, and designers to facilitate the achievement of their distinct and wide-ranging goals. Leslee served as Executive Director of the San Diego Architectural Foundation from 2005-’13. Through that role and since, she has produced copious programs, exhibitions and events focused on art, culture, design, and built environment awareness and betterment.

 V O I D is a collaborative company,

open to anyone who inspires or is inspired by the poetic imagination.

"Great art picks up where nature ends.”

Marc Chagall  

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